Monday, February 04, 2002
Josh writes in with a marketing suggestion:
"Every night, randomly give two people in the restaurant a free dessert. Of course, this necessitates having some dessert item which is particularly unique, as well as delicious. If word gets around that you could get a free kick-ass dessert, it might bring people in."
I wholeheartedly agree on the second point, though I must take issue with the first. No word knows a greater admiration among the consuming public than "Free." Whether a piece of cake be the divine combination of sugar, flour and eggs, or a three-day-old lumpy mess, it'll be gobbled down with gusto if it ends up removing nothing from the pocketbook. Knowing as much, we must take advantage. So, if it's cost-effective -- as in, if we can prove the investment of two free slices of strawberry shortcake per day returns at least two more sales of equivalent cost -- then we should plan on implementing Josh's idea.
The sticky part is determining who gets these "random" gifts. Is it the nth and xth person to walk through our doors each night? How do we prove it without the installation of an oversight committee? Or is it the most needy-looking guests upon whom we direct our charity? That could be dangerous, with guests trying to out-sloven-ize each other just to get thier fingers a measly piece of cake.
posted by sandor weisz at 11:49 PM | 8 comments
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