Thursday, May 23, 2002
The Tribune asked nine people at the National Restaurant Association show to answer this question: "What annoys you most when you go to a restaurant?" Most cite service aggravations, such as overeager busboys and long waits. One mentioned cell phones.
My favorite answer came from Ray Jarrell, an orange grower from Lake Wales, Fla.: "I like for the people to be basically like me -- to be themselves. And don't put on a big show."
I think we've already decided that we want to be ourselves, but if we can't, let's be basically like Ray Jarrell. Seems like a nice guy.
posted by Luke Seemann at 4:50 PM | 3 comments
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Chef Mark Tachman this morning told Morning Edition what it's really like to work in a restaurant. Anyone who still would still want to go to cooking school, he says, is nuts.
posted by Luke Seemann at 8:54 AM | Comment?
Monday, May 20, 2002
Why we should keep our waiters away from the funny pages, second in a series:

posted by sandor weisz at 12:59 PM | Comment?
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